© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit
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VHF Repeater 147.255
Our VHF repeater is located in the extreme southern
edge of the City O Palm Bay. It is a dual mode
conventional FM and C4FM Fusion repeater. It provides
mobile coverage from about FL 520 to the north and
extended coverage well into Sebastian to the south. It is
at the 180’ level on our tower The repeater transmits on
147.255 and receives on 147.855 with a CTCSS tone of
107.2 on both transmit and receive. T
UHF Repeater 444.325
Our UHF repeater is located in the center of Melbourne,
FL on the roof of a multi story building. It is a dual mode
conventional FM and DMR repeater. It provides mobile
coverage from about FL 520 to the north and extended
coverage well into Sebastian to the south. The repeater
transmits on 444.325 and receives on 449.325 with a
CTCSS tone of 107.2 on both transmit and receive.
Tempor eiusmod mollit
Do consequat nostrud sunt velit tempor,
consequat eiusmod tempor. Officia amet elit dolor
dolore magna velit exercitation non enim ut sunt,
lorem duis ut irure. Consequat in, consectetur
aliqua aliquip sit et enim. Sit sunt sit dolor nisi
deserunt reprehenderit ipsum.
Minim, consectetur adipisicing consectetur
deserunt ipsum voluptate culpa deserunt, ex aute
ex ullamco magna incididunt esse est commodo
officia. Do nostrud dolor, veniam quis, incididunt,
eu, laboris qui, non duis aliqua excepteur. Laboris
ad dolore, duis, aute ullamco ea aute nisi,
adipisicing sit nisi mollit, enim reprehenderit aliqua
est esse.